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Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Targeting one instead of many

Power to the Retweet

Last night my business partner Steve Seager and I finally cleared some time to study the analytics on our blogs. We usually do this every day, but the last few weeks have simply been mad busy. When we took a closer look at Steve’s stats for December we saw a huge spike in traffic on December 7. A bit like a whale in a fish pond.

Where in the name of Zeus did those people come from? Did we post a great presentation? Send out a press release? Publish a ground breaking blog post? Got a mention in the New York Times? After some research we found the answer.

Read full article here: "Power to the Retweet. Targeting one instead of many".

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  1. Nice to see you're in touch with my Marketing hero (thanks to your recommendation!) David Meerman Scott!

    Bart van Poll

  2. Great post. Amazing how things spread.

    Hey - I'm coming to Amsterdam in early February.

  3. Thanks David.

    Sound like a good opportunity to meet.
    Me and my business partner Steve have just registered for the event.

    Uhhm... How about a Retweet? ;-)
