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Monday 19 July 2010

This blog has moved!

New blog: Social media tactics you can Trust

Great tips, tricks, insights and practical advice on how to develop the skills and knowledge you need to be a successful marketer on the social web.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

All the best,

Michiel Gaasterland

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Tuesday 25 May 2010

New Twitter followers: do you follow them back?

9 Cross-check questions to evaluate new followers

So, you are now on Twitter and you are welcoming your first followers. You must be thrilled with all the self promoting DM’s (Direct Messages) you receive every day. Sure, there are a lot of gold diggers on Twitter.

What you are after is building a qualitative network of followers. People that actually value what you have to contribute to the online conversation, and vice versa.

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Thursday 20 May 2010

Looking like a schmuck on Twitter

The courtesy of your Twitter profile

Currently more than 300.000 people a day, register an account on Twitter. Registering an account is easy. Basically Twitter only needs your full name, user name, and email address.

So before you know it “John Doe (john_doe_67) is now following your tweets on Twitter” rolls into people’s mailbox. I often get these kind of followers. Sigh.

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Tuesday 18 May 2010

Exclude internal web traffic from Google Analytics

Start measuring your actual results

Measuring traffic and behavior on your website or blog is one of the cornerstones of online marketing. Without a measurement tool like for instance Google Analytics, you’re a sailor without a compass.

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Thursday 29 April 2010

‘The more the merrier’: old mass marketing habits die hard

Being followed by the right people

Last Monday I was writing about ‘Twitter eyeballs on valuable content’. The essence of the story was that if your content is valuable and if you make sure the right people can find it, you have a much better chance of converting them into readers, followers or buyers.

Read full article here: "The more the merrier’: old mass marketing habits die hard".

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